Tomorrow Wendy Productions presents

A Meteorite for the Mantlepiece

The story of a single mom who comes home one day to discover astronauts living in her son's bedroom.

Written and Directed by John W. McKelvey
Photographed by Richard Sheehan
Music by Steve Roberts and Joe Vella



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To all-original musical numbers of every musical genre - there's one for each character in the film!
To science experiments you can perform along with the film at the theatre or in the comfort of your own home!
Travel to the furthest reaches of your imagination and marvel at the wonders of life in New Jersey, the garden state!
 Film Notes:
P.R.I.D.E. = Personal Responsibility In Daily Effort"This film is a weird one," McKelvey admits. "It's an attempt to be as silly as I could and still hopefully tell a legitimate, substantive story about issues in real peoples' lives."

Imagine if the fantastic character of Mary Poppins hadn't drifted down into an equally fantastic, cartoonish London, but instead wound up someplace in the actual world. How would she handle the problems of our lives? Could she help those of us struggling against an economy that can't be fixed with a magical broom and diseases she can't cure with a song?

That's the situation Jeff and Wendy, our two semi-supernatural astronauts, find themselves in when they land in the New Jersey residence of a divorced, working mom... a bit out of their depths.

Meteorite was filmed over a... long period of time; and owes a huge debt of gratitude to everyone who stuck with the film when it looked like we were tackling challenges well beyond our means. Just the fact that we wrapped shooting on every scene in the script - the musical numbers, the challenging locations like the firehouse or nightclub, and the constructed set-pieces - still honestly blows this director's mind.

As a musical, of course, there's a lot of original music. The characters' songs were all written by McKelvey, but there's loads of other great music on board as well. New Jersey punk band Dread Fabrik and Canadian hip-hop group Park-Like Setting contribute great pieces to the soundtrack. And the polyrhtymic pop due Funk Thunder provide the electrifying title theme, which includes the use of a theramin, the exotic electronic instrument used in the signature themes of The Day the Earth Stood Still, The Lost Weekend and Alfred Hitchcock's Spellbound.


 About the Director:
John W. McKelvey co-founded Tomorrow Wendy Productions, doing plays in 1999. He got his start in film co-producing and editing Bonbock Productions' Barman in 2003. He worked with them on a couple other projects, and then made his debut as writer/ director with the short film, Lunch Break. John is also very active in the fields of music and film journalism, and he co-owns a used bookstore called The Raconteur in New Jersey.
 Behind-the-Scenes Press Pics & Storyboard:

(click any image above to see full size, 300 dpi photo)

The Stars:
Nancy Hornback as Wendy
Matthew McCurdy as Will
Regina Samson as Nancy
Kelly Terrell as Jeff
John W. McKelvey as John
and introducing
Aaron Gartenberg as Nigel
A Meteorite for the Mantlepiece
widescreen (1.85:1)
shot on digital video, 24 fps
115 minutes
A Meteorite for the Mantlepiece on the IMDB
Nancy Hornback
Funk Thunder
Tomorrow Wendy Productions homepage
Tomorrow Wendy Productions

© 2009 John W. McKelvey for Tomorrow Wendy Productions